Category Archives: Catholic Church

The Economics of Religion

1. Even though there are no statistics on the economics of religion one might reasonably assume that if one calculated the aggregate turnover and cash flow of all the religions and religious activities in the world, their aggregate buying power and the goods and services they purchase, that we are talking about one of the biggest businesses in the world!
2. Organized religion and New Age religiosity are each multi-billion dollar branches of the economy.
3. Furthermore, Religion is the first and largest “information/communications business” in the world. It receives processes and transmits information and has been doing so for thousands of years.
4. Religion has made effective use of every information/communications technology that has ever existed: speaking, writing, printing, radio, television, cassette tapes, Internet etc.
5. Religion has reinvented itself endless times over the centuries – redefining its mission, repackaging its image, reformulating its message. Continue reading

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